Narrative Knowledge: Stories of Science
This inaugural episode of “Narrative Knowledge: Stories of Science” introduces listeners to the Aristotle Center for Science in the Humanities and describes the features site visitors can access as the Center grows.

Dr. Brynn Welch
Dr. Welch received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2012) and her B.A. in Philosophy (with honors) from Davidson College (2005). Currently an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Emory & Henry College, Dr. Welch specializes in ethics and social/political philosophy with an emphasis on the intersection of family ethics with larger social issues, such as education and the provision of health care. Her current work examines the relationship between state welfare and filial obligations to provide care to elderly citizens. She is also interested in the ethical implications of the DIY movement in science.

Dr. Adam Wells
Dr. Adam Wells received his Ph.D. in Religion from the University of Virginia (2012), his M.A.R. in Biblical Studies from Yale Divinity School (2007), and his B.A. in Philosophy (with honors) from Wake Forest University (2001). Currently an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Emory & Henry College, Dr. Wells' main scholarly interests are the theological and philosophical traditions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. His current work examines the kenosis hymn (Philippians 2: 5-11) as a foundation for theological and philosophical reflection about the nature of creation and incarnation. He is also interested in theoretical issues surrounding interreligious dialog.